Dale Suslick

Dale Suslick

Nutrition Coach, Owner, Level 2 CrossFit Trainer

Deadlift 495#

Squat 405#

Run sub-7-minute miles

have abs, and like to smile.


CrossFit Level 2 Certification.


About Coach

Hi! I'm Dale Suslick, husband of Robin Suslick, father of six, and lover of CrossFit, nutrition, & strength training. I have a nearly 40-year track record of small-business entrepreneurship. I have had impressive successes and failures that have sharpened my ability to maintain and grow a successful CrossFit affiliate. Robin and I met on a warm summer day in June more than 25 years ago when she stepped out of her father's waterski boat and into my heart. Together, we live a rich and whole life with our kiddos, Liam Phoenix, Aubrie, Caden, Elaina, Samantha, and Natalie. Of all the accomplishments in my career, being a father and husband is by far the most rewarding job. In 2012, we sold our Wisconsin business interests to a national company and decided to move our business and family south. I have authored several books on operating small businesses, waterskiing professionally with my wife at Sea World, and dedicating my life to positively impacting anyone I encounter. I intend to help you create inner and outer health with CrossFit, community, and nutrition.

Turning Point

When I lost $1 million in 2008, putting our family $4 million in debt and losing $30 grand a month. I remember having to break the news to my wife. Robin gave me three choices; she said, "You can build a time machine and go back in time and make better decisions, curl up in the fetal position and cry, or clean up your mess." The whole story of cleaning up the mess, rebounding, and thriving is an impressive life lesson.

Motivation & Passion

You can trust that a passion I have is building and leading a team of world-class coaches and trainers. The CrossFit ENG Coaching team is working day and night for you. Your Coaching Team assists you to look better naked, have fun doing it, and build a community of Fitness, Bootcamp, and CrossFit that inspires and gently holds you accountable to achieve your goals.

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